AG亚游国际集团项目开发门户网站为企业提供服务, developers, site selectors, property owners, public officials, 以及其他容易获得有关如何在AG亚游国际集团找到业务和/或开发财产的信息的人. 项目开发门户网站提供了有关当地项目许可和审查流程的信息, county, 以及州一级的法规,包括表格和信息. 它还提供有用的项目规划工具,包括选址工具和有关现有财政奖励的信息.
Local Permitting & Project Review Processes
County Permitting & Project Review Processes
Niagara County Planning Board
AG亚游国际集团规划委员会审查与土地开发有关的若干行动. 点击这里了解更多关于县规划委员会项目审查过程.
Niagara County Health Department
AG亚游国际集团卫生局审查和批准影响商业和土地开发的若干事项. 点击这里了解更多关于县卫生部门的批准.
State Permitting & Project Review Processes
New York Business Express
点击这里了解如何在纽约州开展新业务,包括业务结构和名称备案, support and incentives, permits and licensing, and other information.
New York State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)
请按此查阅有关环境影响评估的资料, 对于所有需要国家机构和/或地方政府单位批准的项目,哪些是必需的.
Project Planning Tools & Resources
Geographic Information Systems
地理信息系统或GIS是一种绘图工具,它提供对空间信息(如环境特征)的访问, property boundaries, transportation infrastructure, census data, etc. 下面的在线地理信息系统工具提供了对人造环境和自然环境的广泛数据的访问, 谁可以协助规划AG亚游国际集团的项目.
Niagara County Online Mapping System
包含街道和高速公路数据的地图系统, parcels, water features, parks, wetlands, floodplains, soils, school districts, agricultural districts, fire protection, population, etc.
用于访问当地规划文件和社区数据(如人口)的地图系统, land use, housing, jobs, transportation, and the environment from One Region Forward, 布法罗-尼亚加拉可持续发展区域计划. See below for the complete One Region Forward plan.
New York State Environmental Resources Mapper
Mapping system containing data on water bodies, state-regulated freshwater wetlands, rare plants and animals, and other significant natural features.
New York State EAF Mapper
Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Map Viewer
包含联邦应急管理局数字洪水保险费率图(DFIRM)数据的地图系统,包括洪水危险区和洪水通道, flood map amendments and revisions, base flood elevations, drainage structures, etc.
Regional Planning Documents
已经编制了若干区域规划文件,以指导AG亚游国际集团和更广泛的纽约西部地区的增长和发展. 以下文件可用于帮助确定AG亚游国际集团的现有条件以及发展重点和政策.
Niagara Communities Comprehensive Plan
本文件由AG亚游国际集团编写,包含大量关于AG亚游国际集团及其社区的信息. 该计划包括每个社区的概况以及环境特征的详细信息, land use characteristics, population and housing, economic conditions, cultural and historic resources, recreation and tourism, transportation, health and safety, and education in Niagara County. 该计划还确定了有关土地使用主题的政策建议 & Environment; Economic Development; County Services, Facilities & Infrastructure; Education; and Public Health & Safety.
本文件每五年由AG亚游国际集团ced委员会在AG亚游国际集团经济发展中心的协助下更新一次. 它确定了现有的经济状况并概述了项目, programs, strategies, and resources for achieving further economic growth. It focuses on improving the business climate, key industry sectors, infrastructure, quality of life, and workforce of Niagara County.
这份文件是由伊利和AG亚游国际集团的利益相关者编写的. 这项联邦政府认可的区域可持续发展计划概述了土地利用和发展的战略和行动, housing and neighborhoods, transportation and mobility, food access, and climate change. 它包括一套全面的指标,用于衡量布法罗-尼亚加拉大都市区在实现可持续性方面取得的进展.
WNY Regional Sustainability Plan
本文件是在纽约州能源研究与发展局的指导下,由纽约州西部地区的五个县联合编写的. The plan outline strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving sustainability in the areas of Energy; Land Use and Livable Communities; Transportation; Agriculture and Forestry; Water Resources; and Waste Management.
Erie-Niagara Framework for Regional Growth
本文件由伊利县和AG亚游国际集团联合编写. 它建立了布法罗-尼亚加拉两县地区如何成长和发展的愿景, provides direction on growth and development matters, 并确定可用于确保以有效和负责任的方式实施框架目标和建议的机制.
WNY Regional Economic Development Strategic Plan
本文件由纽约州区域经济发展理事会根据西纽约地区五县利益相关者的意见编写. The plan outlines strategies for workforce development, smart growth implementation, and entrepreneurship. 它还为包括先进制造业在内的纽约西部主要工业部门制定战略, agriculture, bi-national logistics, energy, health and life sciences, higher education, professional services, and tourism.